Your Name

Ruichen Zhang

MCIT '23 @ Penn

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About Me

Welcome to my portfolio website! I'm Ruichen. I graduated from Penn with a master's in computer science and am currently working as a software engineer. Explore my projects and experiences as I seek new opportunities to grow and innovate in this field.



Software Engineer


Software Engineer

Developed and maintained microservices on the loan servicing platform using Java and Kotlin with Spring Boot.

Skills: Java, Kotlin, Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, GraphQL, Docker


Software Engineer Intern

Rebuilt the sharing reactions feature for Echo Show devices using Spring Boot and APL, and shipped it in production to 8.2M+ Echo Show users.

Skills: Java, Spring Boot, AWS, Alexa Presentation Language


Software Engineer Intern

Developed a Spring Boot backend to compute search metrics for different time windows, and built Flink and Spark SQL pipelines to compute recommendation scores.

Skills: Java, Spring Boot, Flink, Spark SQL, Elasticsearch, Kafka, HDFS


University of Pennsylvania

8/2021 - 5/2023

Master of Computer and Information Technology

GPA: 3.91/4.00

Research Assistant @Shen Lab, @CSSLab

Teaching Assistant for CIS 350, CIS 557


🥇 Fulton Bank Datathon, 1st Place

🚀 Wharton Case Competition, Top 5 Finalist

🎨 MCIT Winter Hackathon, Creativity Winner

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

9/2016 - 6/2020

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

GPA: 3.89/4.00, Ranked 2/332

🏆 National Scholarship (Top 0.2%, awarded twice)



A distributed search engine comprising a web crawler, an indexer, and a frontend for query processing.

Tech Stack: Java, AWS EC2

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Forx News

An elegant restaurant review website with Yelp data, where users can search, browse and save restaurants to profile.

Tech Stack: React, Node, Express, MySQL, AWS RDS, Heroku

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A community property management website for residents and administrators to manage and communicate.

Tech Stack: Spring Boot, React, MySQL, AWS (RDS, EC2, S3)

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A Slack app to help MCIT students find project mates.

Tech Stack: JavaScript, Node, MongoDB

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A Reddit-like social network website, allowing students to join groups, create posts, and engage in live chat.

Tech Stack: React, Node, Express, MongoDB, Jest, Cypress, ESLint, Travis CI, AWS S3, Heroku

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Treasure Hunt

A second-hand market website for buying and selling used items.

Tech Stack: React, Java, MySQL, Elasticsearch, GCP

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